Tuesday, September 21, 2010

X Factor!! (9.7.10)

Thimo is so funny! Like any other 12 yr old, he doesn't like to shower. He puts it off for as many days as Corry & Andre let him. This morning Thimo was getting his hair blowdryed by his mom. I have to say affection is so much more prevalent here, or at least with my host family. It's not unusal for Thimo to be held by Corry while watching TV. Or at dinner for him to lay on her for a bit. I'm not saying it's good or bad, just different.

My ears feel fine now. That organic stuff must really work. Or maybe it's my new hat ;) We got our packet for France today. We leave Friday morning at 9AM. The best part is we're meeting really close to my house. I'm very excited for France, but it just seems so surreal that we're leaving in a few days!

Nothing too exciting at school today. German goes by, lunch @ the Mensa. The Mensa is starting to grow on me. I love their cheap food. I only wish I knew what some of it was. Today I had pasta. It was pretty good. A safe bet by looking at it. Yesterday I had chicken stuffed with something kind of sauce, maybe garlic? It was quite delicious!! 1.5 hours is really not enough time for lunch. We walk to the bus stop, take a bus for a bit, and then walk the rest of the way. A major disadvantage of campus being so spread out!

Next was my legal traditions class. Hmm, no Pablo again. It's actually nice to have a normal lecture. But I spoke too soon, and Pablo came in about 30 minutes late apologizing in German. He doesn't even get sat down and he answers the prof's question again. Jeez! How can he do that?! How does he know everything?!

I have to say legal traditions is my least favorite class. The entire class we talked about Roman law from about 400BC to 400AD. It was rather boring for me. I know it sounds like an interesting class, but trust me, it's not. The whole time I was thinking about supper and wondering what we would have.

Tonight was an X-Factor night. I invited everyone over for dinner and to watch X-Factor at 8:15. Malia was the only one who could make it. I sat down to dinner. SCORE!! We were having chili! It smelled sooo good and it was steaming HOT! They had a separate bowl of rice to put on the bottom of the chili. Their soup is quite thin, but that's what the rice is for. First bite.....AMAZING!!! This is what I had been waiting for last night! I was beyond ecstatic. Anyone who knows me, knows I love to eat...especially good food. But I have to say this was the most excited I had been about food since I've got here. Malia text me right then. I had to walk to the train station to show her how to get to my house. I was sad to leave my chili, but anticipation only makes it that much better.

I half run to the train station. While Malia is waiting she bought my host family flowers. How nice!! Man, I've never even thought of doing that. When we got back, we both scarfed down our chili. X Factor was about to start. We all watched X-Factor and much to my surprise they brought out snacks and Proseco, a lite champagne. Wow! I definitely need to have friends over more often! Half way through the show, Thimo turns to Malia and asks if she knows about sex. I nearly spit out my drink. Malia, being as witty as she is, isn't even phased by this. Thimo goes on to tell us how he learned about sex in school today. He said the teacher gave them plastic penises and showed them how to put condoms on. AT 12 YRS OLD!!! Holy cow! That is nuts! I was completely uncomfortable throughout this entire and the following conversation. Good ole Thimo! Never a dull moment with him. The rest of his questions were more standard for him - who do you like McCain or Obama, do you live in a village, do you dance ballet, do you have a boyfriend, etc. Malia was such a good sport.

X Factor lasted until 10:30. It seems its never the same amount of time each week. After all that excitement, I collapsed into bed.

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