Sunday, September 19, 2010

Monday, September 6

Today was a pretty normal day - had German & European Business Cultures as usual. I have to say that the people in my content courses (non German courses) are geniuses! There is one guy in particular who stands out. His name is Pablo. I figured I would name him, because I am sure he will be brought up often. He is from Mexico, and he's taking a semester off from law school. The kid, or more like man, knows everything! Spanish is his first language, of course. He knows English flawlessly. Also he is fluent in German and 2 other languages. Can I just say "Holy shit!" I am having trouble knowing 2.

Well anyways, Pablo knows everything about everything. It's like he has the mind of 5 people combined. He came into lecture 20 minutes late, no big deal for him. I would be flustered by this, but he comes in barely sits down, and answers the professor's question to the class, something about the EU. I am impressed by this, but I am rather bitter toward him. Last week, he was in both of my classes and answered EVERY QUESTION the prof asked the class. This lecture was no different. The prof actually asked him to sit out for awhile to give other people a chance. This just showed how many other people know a ton about the subject matter.

I guess I should have learned A LOT more about Europe before I came. It's very interesting. It's just that I don't know anything. I left class feeling defeated and inferior. To top this off, it seemed we were locked IN the school. We couldn't get any of the doors open. Great! A few guys decided to jump out of the window. I contemplated this, but when I saw it was about a 10 foot drop, I quickly chickened out. They went around and tried to open it form the outside, but to no avail. Everyone was so anxious to leave already because the class ended @ 7. This only made it worse. Our professor called Dirk, our program leader, and he told us of another door we could unlock from the inside.

I was so happy to be on my way home. I smelled something delicious cooking when I came up the stairs at home. I was so excited!! A hot meal! When suppertime came Corry set a bowl on the table with what looked to be some sort of potato casserole. I grabbed only a small scoop because I saw something still cooking on the stove. The potato stuff was actually cold :( It was strange...had potatoes, onions, sausage, maybe apples or something sweet, and various spices. It was ok, but I was waiting for the pot on the stove. Eventually it became clear that we were not having the pot on the stove tonight :( You can't even imagine how crushed I was!! I filled my emptiness with bread.

The rest of my night was uneventful, filled with reading the ridiculous text for Legal Traditions.

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